Dear Friends,

In last week’s letter, I discussed the first two supplements of the four that we believe are foundational for heart health – today I’ll cover the 3rd and 4th supplements.

If you missed part 1, we discussed the importance of omega-3s and CoQ10 as Ubiquinol to heart health – and also offered tips on what to look for when choosing supplements with these ingredients.

We also described the “extra” features in TrueOmega-3 and TrueCoQ10 that help maximize your benefits and give you the biggest return on your supplement investment.

Supplement #3 for Heart Health

Our 3rd supplement recommendation is the combination of vitamin D3 and vitamin K2, one existing star in the supplement world, and a rising star in vitamin K2.

You likely know that higher vitamin D levels in the blood have been associated with longevity and healthy aging – which makes sense because vitamin D plays a role in many body functions.

What’s more of a recent discovery is how vitamin D and vitamin K2 work together in the body in several important ways, starting with cardiovascular health.
As you may know, one key to good heart and cardiovascular health is to minimize calcium buildup in your arteries and blood vessels. Vitamin D and vitamin K2 work together to support you in this goal.
Vitamin D helps create a protein –called Matrix GLA Protein, or MGP for short – which works to help ensure calcium isn’t deposited in arteries and soft tissues.
However, for MGP to spring into action, it needs vitamin K2 to activate it.
In summary, vitamin D helps produce this protein and vitamin K2 activates it so it can go to work for you.

Instead of calcium building up in arteries and vascular system, it gets redirected to where you want it, like your bones.

The challenge is we don’t get enough of these vitamins from diet, and in the case of vitamin D from sun exposure, which makes them ideal candidates for a supplement.
Get Both in 1 Small Capsule

You can take these vitamins separately, but we combined the most potent forms together in TrueK2D3.

Besides being more convenient to take them together, D3 and K2 are both fat soluble vitamins, so you want to take them after a meal, when possible, and having them in 1 capsule makes it a little easier.

TrueK2D3 is a plant-based formula – the D3 (the most potent form) is from organic algae, and the vitamin K2 is made from chickpeas, and is from the MenaQ7 brand.

If you’re familiar with K2, you may know it comes in menaquinone-7 (or MK-7) form or the menaquinone-4 form (MK-4).

We use the MK-7 found in MenaQ7 because it can remain in blood serum for 72 hours after taking it, whereas MK-4 has a very short half-life and quickly disappears from circulation.

As important, MenaQ7 had been the subject of research studies for artery and vascular heath support, with 180mcg per day shown to offer desired support.

If you take 2 TrueK2D3 capsules daily, that gives you same 180mcg of MenaQ7 vitamin K2 along with 125mcg of vitamin D3 (5,000 IU).

One important caution… if you’re taking a blood thinner like coumadin, then you should consult with your physician before taking any vitamin K2 supplement.  It’s important, please do this.

Supplement #4 for Heart Health

The icing on the cake is the strong antioxidant support you get from the high level of polyphenols you get in the TrueBerry7 super fruit drink powder.

Each specific ingredient has documented research evidence of its specific benefits – you don’t get this in many similar products.

All in, TrueBerry7 offers about 25 benefits throughout the body, with 9 heart and cardiovascular health benefits leading the way (if you're curious the second biggest category is brain & cognitive health).

The 3 fruits extracts with the most documented heart support are the Pomanox P30 pomegranate, the high potency Capros amla (Indian gooseberry) extract and the MegaNatural®-BP grape seed extract.

Here’s a quick summary of the key heart and cardiovascular health benefits you may experience with the ingredients in TrueBerry7:

• Helps maintain already-healthy blood pressure levels
(both systolic and diastolic support).

• Helps support nitric oxide production to maintain healthy blood flow.

• Helps promote microcirculation in the smallest blood vessels (this is important for the delivery of oxygen to cells).

• Helps maintain already-healthy total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

• Help support a healthy inflammation response to maintain already-healthy C-reactive protein (hsCRP) levels.

• Helps protect the endothelium (blood vessel lining) from oxidative stress.

With TrueBerry7, we suggest taking 2 servings a day for at least the first 2 to 3 months, after that you can continue with 2 servings a day or take 1 a day to maintain support.

That’s part 2 of our heart health series, let us know if you have any questions.
Yours for Good Health,

Carl Pradelli

P.S. Subscribe to our YouTube channel or podcast to discover more about nutrients that can make a difference in your health!