Ep. 49: Fraudulent Supplements Followup: Answering Your Questions Part 1

Carl and supplement industry veteran Jeff Barrie discussed the many ways consumers are being scammed with fake supplements. This generated many questions from listeners, and Carl uses this episode to answer these questions and elaborate on ways you can protect yourself from fake supplements.

Included in the discussion is tips on how to guard against purchasing counterfeit products and research supplement brands, surprising revelations about 3rd party testing of supplements, and since fraud can occur at any point in the supply chain, addressing how NatureCity protects itself from being a victim of fraud and the importance of strong manufacturing relationships.

Carl also sheds light on the importance of experience and transparency in the supplement category. Last, Carl also details the unique capabilities that NatureCity’s manufacturer offers, and how they work with NatureCity to give you the best and highest quality supplements that we can make.

Fake and subpar supplements are a growing concern for supplement users, so be sure to tune in so you can make the most informed choices for your health!